Post #9. A working paceline is a thing of beauty
Since I haven’t posted in a couple of days I’m including a few notes and photos from both yesterday and today. Monday’s ride was the highest mileage day of the entire trip at a whopping 127 miles. The elevation gain of 4,700’ was not overwhelming but made harder by the hot weather. My group, being made up of the faster riders is asked to leave the hotel 45 minutes later than the slower riders so we don’t miss any refueling stops provided by the Trek team. Our overall travel time was nearly 8 hours with 7-1/2 hours of actual pedaling time. That’s a pretty good pace but we did it with 3 riders working together to “pull” one another along by drafting. That’s a paceline…albeit a small one, it’s still a great way to conserve energy and work together. More on that later. The reason for the lengthy summary is actually to highlight the achievements of Ron, another rider on the trip. Ron is 72 years old and the oldest member of the trip. ...