Post #6 Here’s the thing about horns

 Today’s ride from Walla Walla into Lewiston, ID started with some amazing, quiet, winding roads with little traffic.  Below is a picture of what we rode for about 10 miles, and I think we were only passed by a dozen cars or so.

Bruce, Pat and Rae, one of the guides, heading up our first hill out of Walla Walla.

A clearly very old sign in Pomeroy, WA.  Perhaps some modernizing needs to be done??

Not the most impressive summit but it was our high point (geographically) for the day.  That’s Trek guide Blake topping off our water bottles in 90-plus degree heat at mile 65.

A stateline sign Heather requested.

Here’s the thing about horns.  This is probably not earth-shattering, life changing knowledge I’m sharing with cyclists but at the risk of bragging, I think it’s pretty darn accurate and insightful:  As a car approached from behind this morning the driver gave his (or her) horn 2 quick beeps.  Here’s what this amateur psychologist thinks that says about the driver and The Thing About Horns.

  • 2 quick beeps from a small car or pickup…….I’m having a good day and am probably a woman 
  • 1 quick beep from a small car or pickup……Hey cyclist, the light’s green.  Quit playing with your bike computer.  Gotta admit it, we’ve all done it
  • Long honk from a car or pickup…….I’m having a shitty day, I’m not sure why I hate cyclists but I do, and I’m just generally an ass hat.
  • 1 short honk from a trucker…….. Just want to let you know I’m here so don’t dart out into the road to dodge that squirrel.  Hit the squirrel.
  • Long honk from trucker…….I’m angry at the world.
Today the drivers were very polite and many of the truckers even went into the oncoming lane when safe.  I am finding that rural drivers are far more polite to cyclists than urban drivers.  I’m not sure why but I’ll make finding out part of my next study in human behavior.


Paul (he/him/his) 😂


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