Post #7. Okay Brian, you were right

 Holy crap!  Mother Nature nailed it on this one.

Today’s ride from Kamiah, ID to Lolo Hot Springs, MT was through 115 miles of what a dyslexic atheist would call Dog’s Country.  A gentle gradient along the Clearwater River on a smooth highway with only the asphalt highway in weak competition with nature’s beauty. . .  yet completely outmatched.  102 miles into the ride the road pitched up for 6 miles of climbing with great views of the river below and the cliffside above to help you keep pedaling to the summit of Lolo Pass, the border between Idaho and Montana.  Don’t believe me?  Here’s the pics.


Did it in ‘18, equally epic in ‘22.  Riding with this year’s group is an absolute blast.




Above are a few shots taken by other riders along the way.  The Clearwater River.  Pat, Bruce and I mugging.  Our accommodations for the night.  Ian (he’s English but still an okay guy despite being a bit hard to understand) and finally a shot of Mark doing his best Meriwether pose—he’s funny but I think there’s something wrong with him.


That’s our dog of the day, Cap.  Cap is named for Captain Augustus MacRae from Lonesome Dove.  Cap is on a western United States road trip with his owners as they celebrate their 40th anniversary.  Good boy, Cap.


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