Post #4 …..and now I’m afraid of butterflies


Today’s post will go in reverse chronological order of how my day went.

As I returned from dinner, I found a package sitting on the table in my hotel room that had been placed there by an intruder who was working with my wife to terrorize me.  When I opened the box, I was attacked by 8 plastic, spring loaded butterflies with wing spans of approximately 8’ (they look smaller in the picture).  It actually turned out to be an anniversary gift from my wife celebrating 65 years of matrimony, boy does time fly. But so do satanic butterflies I guess. Nothing says love like startling the shit (almost) out of your spouse.  It’s actually only been 29 years and I’m lucky she’s kept me around that long.  Love you, H.

“Dinner” was at Pfriem Brewing here in Hood River, Oregon.  I forgot to take a picture of the bacon mac-and-cheese, but it was delicious 

I had some spare time in the room this morning, so I did a quick, bike themed mural.  Hope they like it.

Quote of the day:  About halfway through today’s ride a rider ahead of me responded to a pedestrian’s question as we rode a bike trail.  She asked where we were riding to and someone responded, Portland.  When I went by the woman, she pointed west, and I overheard her asking the man with her “isn’t Portland that way?  “He said Portland, Maine, honey”  

Today’s ear worm:  As I rode the first 16 miles out of Portland on a bike trail “littered” with homeless my ear worm became “I’m Housin'” by Rage Against the Machine.  If you don’t know the song, I recommend checking it out.

Headed to exotic Condon, OR tomorrow.  93 miles and 7,800’ of climbing.  At least it’ll only be about 90 degrees when we roll in.



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