Post #8. You look like a Helen

 After 117 miles and 4,000’ of climbing we arrived in Helena, MT this afternoon.  But first, a few pic’s of how I spent my off day yesterday.

   Nothing says vacation like going to the laundromat.  There’s actually a rider on the trip that starts early, only stops at rest stops for mere seconds and pushes as hard as he can just to be the first one to the night’s hotel washer/dryer.  If I’m not going to race to the basement at home to do laundry, I’m sure not going to do that on vacation.  


Kettlehouse brewery had a beer called Lil Buddy Beer.  I imagine it was named for my little buddy, Hazel . . . . RIP little buddy.  They also had a beer called Bong Water which I decided to forgo….just in case Trek Travel drug tests me when I hit the washer/dryer first tomorrow.  The other picture is of a sticker on the brewery’s cooler door.  Not sure if was a menu item or not but I went with the lasagna instead (even if that is ground beef in the picture)

It’s important to be safe when riding a bicycle down pitted, poorly paved frontage roads, but when you gotta get the pic, you get the pic while rolling.  Today I rode with a strong team, Pat, Ian and Russ.  If you’re going to draft behind someone on a bike, make it Russ, he’s frickin’ huge.  It’s like tailgating a semi on I-90, total gas saver.

Today’s PSA of the day in Drummond, MT.  

Joke of the day:

A tandem rider is stopped by a police car.  “What have I done officer?” asks the rider.  “Perhaps you didn’t notice, sir, but your wife fell off the bike half a mile back….”  “Oh, thank god for that” says the rider—“I thought I’d gone deaf”

Without Googling it, can you tell me what movie the name of this post (loosely) comes from?



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