Post #10. Headwind is a bitch, gravity is her mean sister

 Apologies for the colorful title of this blog but after some feedback from my fellow cross-country cyclists we seem to be in agreement…. headwind is a bitch.  On Wednesday, after a roadside lunch from the Trek crew, we spent 20 miles riding into a headwind that cut what would normally be a 16-18 mph slightly uphill pace into a 13-mph slog.  Despite Mother Nature’s input, the ride took us into state #5 -- Wyoming.  Here’s a picture to prove it.

When I did this same trip in 2018, I also blogged (15 lunatics).  I posted a picture of some “art” made up of canoes welded together to look like an ocean wave.  At the time. I asked if art made up of watercraft had been overdone but evidently it hasn’t.  Check out the pics below.  The first one is from 2018 showing the canoe art and the second one is something I saw in Wyoming on Wednesday. . .  closer to a limestone quarry than a body of water of any kind. I think the half-buried row of boats is intended to look like a sunrise, but in the opinion of this art “simpleton” I think the sun should set on this one.




Thursday took us from Lovell, WY up and over Bighorn Pass into Sheridan, WY.  Once again, the pictures to prove it.  The climb up Bighorn Pass is one of the tougher climbs I’ve done, and I actually travel in search of tough climbs.  20 miles long with 5,700’ in elevation gain meant gravity is indeed Headwind’s mean sister.  

 But what goes up must come down (not always, but this time it did).  After the brutal climb we were greeted with 17 miles at 7-8% downgrade coasting along at 30-40 mph along steep, winding, red rock cliffs into the valley below.

No Dog of the Day on Wednesday.  But in Luminous Brewery located Sheridan, WY (population 18,737), I met Bishop, a mixed breed pit bull/American Bull Terrier.  An 80# lovable doofus who got booted from the bar after his mom was told “No Dogs Allowed”.

Luminous had a couple of other notable things.  First was another patron who was wearing a pistol on his hip.  Despite Washington being an open carry state, you just don’t see that.  The man had been to Seattle and was familiar with the current societal decline and said he’s unlikely to return.  

It was open mic night at Luminous and I was treated to a great version of the Leonard Cohen song “Hallelujah”.  Great way to end my night, and this blog post.



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